April 21, 2024

Where to Live Your Best Expat Life – Top 7 Cities Rated by Expats for Expats

Dreaming of becoming an expat? That is to say, a daring adventurer who uproots their life and moves it to some exciting, exotic foreign land? Go you! Life as an expatriate is an interesting one to say the least. It one full of rich cultural experiences, unique challenges, meaningful connections, and new, refreshing perspectives. It’s easy to get blinded by excitement but we encourage you to slow down and really do your homework before you pull the trigger on a specific location.
April 20, 2024

Not So Lonely Planet – How to Make Friends as a Solo Female Traveler

Ok so you pulled the trigger on a weeks (or even months!) long trip to some distant part of the world and you’ve decided to go alone. You couldn’t be more excited, but there’s this voice in the back of your mind haunting you. It says, “What if I get lonely?”. Solo travel can be a lonely endeavor at times. It really gives you a unique opportunity to gain confidence in yourself and to see the world through your own lens. But humans are community-minded creatures and sometimes you just need to find your people.